Flashcards to help you pass the BCBA Exam
Tired of studying for the BCBA exam? Looking for something new? Try these flashcards. Terms and concepts are broken down to make understanding and remembering easy. Choose between a black and white set to make printing easy or a beautiful colored set.
In 2016 there were 4096 first time candidates taking the BCBA exam. Unfortunately 44% of those taking the exam for the first time failed. There were however several institutions that had pass rates of 100 percent. These included: Maryland Baltimore County, University of Nevada Reno, National University of Ireland, James Madison University and the University of Nebraska.
While Auburn University did not succeed in having a 100 percent pass rate it does deserve a notable mention as it's pass rate for the last 4 years was 90 percent or better for the last four years with two of the four years being at 100 percent.